Mental illnesses are biologically based brain diseases that affect an individual's ability to think, feel and relate to others and their environment. These disorders are more common than cancer, diabetes, heart disease and arthritis. Cedar Valley United Way's Community Impact Teams (the volunteer groups that direct and monitor grant funding for the organization) identified mental health as a priority based on community needs assessments and local data.
In 2015, Cedar Valley United Way invited community stakeholders including local hospitals and doctors, law enforcement, schools, legislators and community organizations to provide their input and expertise to begin solution-focused dialogue. Thus, the Cedar Valley Mental Health Planning Coalition was born and continues to meet monthly. Those interested in learning more information about their work should contact Tom Eachus, Executive Director at Black Hawk-Grundy Mental Health Center.
- 1 in 4 American adults (61 million) will experience a mental health problem or illness in their lifetime. In Black Hawk County, this equates to 32,807 individuals. 60% of these individuals never receive any treatment for a variety of reasons including: stigma, lack of health insurance, transportation barriers and a shortage of providers.
- 1 in 5 children in the US has a diagnosable mental, emotional or behavioral disorder. In Black Hawk County, this equates to roughly 5,698 youth under 18 years old.
- 1 in 10 children have a Serious Emotional Disturbance (SED) that causes significant impairment in their ability to function at school, at home or in the community. In Black Hawk County, this equates to roughly 2,848 youth under 18 years old. Almost 50% of these youth never receive any treatment.
- Mental health symptoms present themselves, on average, 7 years before a formal diagnosis. Half of all lifetime cases of mental illness occur by age 14 and three-quarters by age 24. The opportunities for prevention and early intervention are significant.
- Untreated mental health problems have been shown to contribute to:
- Poor academic performance and school dropouts
- Homelessness
- Unemployment or underemployment
- Legal difficulties
- Incarceration
- Teenage childbearing
- Substance abuse
- Violence
- Relationship problems
- Victimization
- Suicide
- Iowa ranks #2 in the US for a lower prevalence of mental illness and higher rates of access to care for adults, and #12 in the US for a lower prevalence of mentall illness and higher rates of access to care for youth according to mhanational.org.
- Iowa ranks #15 in the US for access to mental health care that exists within a state, according to mhanational.org.
- "Iowa has a total of only about 300 doctors, nurse practitioners and physician assistance who specialize in mental health and can prescribe medications." According to an editorial published by the Des Moines Register.
Research suggests that delaying treatment results in the development of more complex, difficult to treat illnesses. Virtually every community survey that has been done in recent years has identified mental health needs as a priority. Yet, since 2011, 41 states have cut their mental health budgets despite predicting an increase in the number of people requiring mental health services.
- Evidence-based practices
- Prevention and education
- Early intervention (school-based)
- Outreach or in-home services
- Crisis intervention training for law-enforcement
- Mobile crisis programs
- Jail diversion (pre and post)
- Integrated health homes (care coordination)
- Injectable medications
- Transportation
- Patient assistance programs
- Open access
- Increasing school-based mental health services
- Increasing our community's professional treatment capacity
- Decreasing the burden on our emergency departments and law enforcement/jails of responding to mental health crisis situations
If you or someone you know is in crisis now, seek help immediately by calling 1-800-273-8255 to reach a 24 hour crisis center, or dial 911 for immediate assistance.
- Prolonged depression (irritability or sadness)
- Confused thinking
- Social withdrawal
- Feelings of extreme highs and lows
- Excessive fears, worries and anxieties
- Strong feelings of anger
- Dramatic changes in eating or sleeping habits
- Strange thoughts or delusions
- Suicidal thoughts
- Growing inability to cope with daily problems and activities
- Seeing or hearing things that aren't there or hallucinations
- Substance use
- Changes in sleeping and/or eating habits
- Intense fear
- Defiance of authority, theft, truancy and/or vandalism
- Substance use
- Changes in ability to manage responsibilities at home and/or in school
- Frequent outbursts of anger
- Prolonged negative mood, often accompanied by poor appetite or thoughts of death
- Inability to cope with problems and daily activities
- Excessive complaints of physical ailments
- Persistent disobedience or aggression
- Excessive worry or anxiety
- Changes in school performance
- Changes in sleeping and/or eating habits
- Hyperactivity
- Frequent temper tantrums
- Persistent nightmares
- Poor grades despite strong efforts
Information courtesy of Mental Health America
- 211: a free and confidential information and referral system to health and human service programs, community services, disaster services and government programs available in our community. This line operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. (By phone, dial 211 or 1-866-469-2211)
- National Suicide Prevention Line: 1-800-273-8255
- Anonymously Say What's On Your Mind
- National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)
- Crisis Text Line: Text 741741 for free 24/7 crisis help by text message
- American Foundation for Suicide Prevention
- Iowa Department of Public Health
- Make it OK Iowa
- LGBTQ Crisis and Suicide Hotline: 866-488-7386
- Veterans Crisis Line: 800-273-8255
- National Sexual Assault Hotline: 1-800-656-4673
- National Domestic Violence Hotline: 1-800-799-7233
Local resources courtesy of 211:
- Mental Health Services through Lutheran Services in Iowa - Waterloo
- Holistic, personalized and confidential care for all ages. Specializing in grief and trauma, abuse or neglect, anxiety or depression, ADHD, substance abuse, trauma informed care, marital and family issues, anger management, domestic violence, poverty-related stressors, attachment disorders and foster/adoptive family support.
- Call 319-233-3579 or email lsiowa@lsiowa.org
- Family Safety, Risk and Permanency Services through Lutheran Services in Iowa - Waterloo
- Dedicated to keeping children safely in their homes, stabilizing health and self-sufficiency of parents and children, reduce frequency of children re-entering foster care.
- Call 319-233-3579 or email amanda.krause@lsiowa.org
- Gambling Counseling/Treatment through Pathways Behavioral Services
- Provides treatment and recovery support services for those with gambling problems as well as concerned others of problem gamblers.
- Call 319-235-6571 or email choffman@pathwaysb.org
- Outpatient Behavioral Health Care through MercyOne of Northeast Iowa
- Offers specialized, family-centered treatment for behavioral problems, eating disorders, and psychiatric disorders. Mental health evaluations and counseling is also provided.
- Call 319-272-8922 or email askmercyone@mercyhealth.com
- Mental Health Services through Families First Counseling Services
- Provides in-home support services to teach children, adolescents and adults skills to assist with their behaviors and social interactions. Offers in-office therapy services to children, adolescents and adults.
- Call 319-433-0395 or email rvenenga@families-first.net
- Mental Health Services through Mid-Iowa Family Therapy Clinic
- Mid-Iowa Family Therapy provides comprehensive, independent outpatient mental health services and supportive services to adults and children with mental health concerns, disabilities, or intellectual disabilities, family permanency services and community care.
- Call 319-833-0072 or email marina.pena-raney@miftc.com
- Mental Health Counseling Services through Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Dubuque
- Provides counseling for marriages, families and individuals experiencing various social, emotional and interpersonal struggles.
- Call 319-272-2080 or email dbqccccsec2@dbqarch.org
- Mental Health Services through Heart and Solutions, LLC
- Offers mental health therapy in office or via telehealth for individuals, children, adolescents, couples and families.
- Call 319-483-6661 or email chrissaa@heartandsolutions.net
- General Counseling Services through Keys to Living
- Offers counseling for anxiety, depression, trauma, and emotional pain, marriage, ADD and ADHD.
- Call 319-377-2161 or email office@keystoliving.org
- Mental Health Services through Pathways Behavioral Services - Bremer County
- Provides counseling, pre-hospitalization screening, post-hospitalization aftercare, medication management and 24 hour emergency services.
- Call 319-352-2064 or email choffman@pathwaysb.org
- Mental Health Services through ABBE Center for Community Mental Health - Independence
- Provides quality, accessible, accredited mental health services to children and adults.
- Call 319-334-4010or email kjohnson@abbehealth.org
- Inpatient Behavioral Health Care through MercyOne of Northeast Iowa
- Inpatient Behavioral Health Care unit offers evaluation and treatment to patients who are in an acute phase of psychiatric illness or are experiencing an emotional or life crisis. Each patient's individual treatment program is headed by a psychiatrist who directs professional staff members in a multidisciplinary team approach to help the patient understand their illness and treatment.
- Call 319-268-3000 or email askmercyone@mercyhealth.com
- Host Homes through Lutheran Services in Iowa
- An individual with a disability moves from Supported Community Living into a private family home where individuals build a positive, lasting relationship with a carefully selected mentor instead of a staff member. Mentor provides personalized care, advocacy and support and support for the individual in their home.
- Call 319-233-3579 or email hosthome@lsiowa.org
- Senior Behavioral Health Care through MercyOne of Northeast Iowa
- Offers a 15-bed acute, inpatient senior behavioral health unit located on the 3rd floor of Cedar Falls Medical Center. Services offered include 24-hour admission, comprehensive medical and psychiatric evaluation, medical management of psychiatric disorders, medication management and education, individual, group and family therapy, stress management, activity-based therapy groups, spiritual counseling, community resource linkage and occupational and physical therapy.
- Call 319-268-3000 or email askmercyone@mercyhealth.com
- Residential Treatment through Lutheran Services in Iowa - Waterloo
- Provides 24-hour mental health services to children and teens with severe emotional or behavioral disorders. Uses trauma-informed care.
- Call 319-352-2630 or email lsiowa@lsiowa.org
- Mental Health Services through Independence Mental Health Institute
- Provides inpatient psychiatric treatment for adults, adolescents and children.
- Call 319-334-2583 or email tmain@dhs.state.ia.us
- Mental Health Services through Black Hawk-Grundy Mental Health Center
- Provides information, referral, assessment, case management, and access to mental health services.
- Call 319-234-2893
- Outpatient Behavioral Health Care through MercyOne of Northeast Iowa
- Offers specialized, family-centered treatment for behavioral problems, eating disorders, and psychiatric disorders. Mental health evaluations and counseling is also provided.
- Call 319-272-8922 or email askmercyone@mercyhealth.com
- Inpatient Behavioral Health Care through MercyOne of Northeast Iowa
- Inpatient Behavioral Health Care unit offers evaluation and treatment to patients who are in an acute phase of psychiatric illness or are experiencing an emotional or life crisis. Each patient's individual treatment program is headed by a psychiatrist who directs professional staff members in a multidisciplinary team approach to help the patient understand their illness and treatment.
- Call 319-268-3000 or email askmercyone@mercyhealth.com
- Mental Health Services through Mid-Iowa Family Therapy Clinic
- Mid-Iowa Family Therapy provides comprehensive, independent outpatient mental health services and supportive services to adults and children with mental health concerns, disabilities, or intellectual disabilities, family permanency services and community care.
- Call 319-833-0072 or email marina.pena-raney@miftc.com
- First Five Health Mental Development Initiative through Black Hawk County Health Department
- Works with primary care providers who identify social/emotional or developmental concerns, family stressors, or caregiver depression during will child medical exams. If a condition is identified, the family is referred to a support specialist who provides care coordination. Specialists may provide referrals for developmental screening, mental health or behavioral services, or other needs and will monitor the family's progress.
- Call 319-292-2213 or email molmstead@co.black-hawk.ia.us
- Allen Hospital Counseling Center and EAP
- Call 319-235-3550
- Mental Health Services and Mental Health Evaluations and Treatments through ABBE Center for Community Mental Health - Independence
- Provides quality, accessible, accredited mental health services to children and adults.
- Call 319-334-4010or email kjohnson@abbehealth.org
- Mental Health Support Group through NAMI Black Hawk County
- NAMI offers free classes, support groups and educational programs to help and support people who have mental illness, their families, partners and friends.
- Call 319-235-5263 or email namibh@qwestoffice.net
- Mental Health Services through Black Hawk-Grundy Mental Health Center
- Provides information, referral, assessment, case management, and access to mental health services.
- Call 319-234-2893
- Integrated Home Health Program through Black Hawk-Grundy Mental Health Center
- Provides coordinated, whole person healthcare to improve clients' health & well-being, and ensure that all their needs are met.
- Call 319-234-2893
- Outpatient Behavioral Health Care through MercyOne of Northeast Iowa
- Offers specialized, family-centered treatment for behavioral problems, eating disorders, and psychiatric disorders. Mental health evaluations and counseling is also provided.
- Call 319-272-8922 or email askmercyone@mercyhealth.com
- Mental Health Services, Community Based Recovery Services and Psychiatric Medication Services through ABBE Center for Community Mental Health - Independence
- Provides quality, accessible, accredited mental health services to children and adults. Community Based Recovery Services (CBRS) provides a continuum of mental health treatment, supports and habilitation services designed to assist adults with a serious mental illness to overcome barriers and develop a happy and meaningful life. Psychiatric Medication Services are provided for youth that need medication to treat their condition.
- Call 319-334-4010or email kjohnson@abbehealth.org
For an extensive list of services, or services outside the Cedar Falls/Waterloo area, please visit www.211iowa.org, type in your zip code and select your necessary services.