Lillian's Story Graphic

At the time Lillian* was referred to Friends of the Family, she was pregnant with her first child and spoke very little to no English.

Lillian was referred to Friends of the Family for safe shelter by her OB's office to protect her and her baby's safety due to her abuser (her husband) attempting to starve her in an effort to kill the baby in addition to assaulting her. Lillian didn't know that wasn't "normal" behavior and was illegal in the U.S., as it was accepted in her home country. 

During the month that Lillian was in shelter, Friends of the Family worked with her to secure safe and stable housing, even though her case presented many barriers that would have typically prevented her from being able to rent. Friends of the Family continues to work with her, connecting her to outside resources to continue to support her and her baby once the baby is born. Through her interpreter, Lillian shared that she is excited to bring her baby home to a peaceful environment.

Cedar Valley United Way is proud to support programs like Cedar Valley Friends of the Family's Northeast Iowa Shelter Services program that helps people like Lillian.

Together, we fight for the health, education, and financial stability of every person in our community. To live better, we must Live United. Because, United We Can!

*Names in the story have been altered to preserve anonymity.