Waterloo, IA – In 2020-2021, Cedar Valley United Way awarded over $1.6 million in grant funding to local organizations. Is your organization interested in being a part of that number for 2022? Applications for the 2022-2024 Cedar Valley United Way Strategic and Emergency and Basic Needs Investments will be available at CedarValleyUnitedWay.org beginning December 13, 2021.

To be considered for these grants, programs must meet certain criteria:

  • The program must focus on one of the key funding areas: education (helping children and youth achieve their potential), health (improving people’s physical and mental well-being), financial stability (promoting financial stewardship and independence), or emergency and basic needs (emergency and short-term outputs rather than outcomes to provide services that assist those who have experienced a temporary setback or emergency situation).
  • In addition, any programs seeking to partner with Cedar Valley United Way must be a 501(c)(3) nonprofit or have a fiscal sponsor with this status. Programs must also serve clients within a 30-mile radius of Waterloo to be considered for a grant.

Informational sessions for applicants will take place at Cedar Valley United Way on Tuesday, December 14 from 1:30 to 3:30 pm, Thursday, December 16 from 10:00 am to noon, or Tuesday, December 21 from 1:30 to 3:30 pm. (Each session will cover the same material, so it is not necessary to attend all three.) Please RSVP to Debbie at debbie.roth@cvuw.org or 319-235-6211 ext. 18. Space is limited to two representatives from each agency.

*Applications for 2022-2024 grant funding must be submitted no later than 4:00pm on February 18, 2022. Grant recipients will be notified the week of May 25, 2022, and investments will begin July 1, 2022.

For more information and a full application timeline, visit our website at https://www.cedarvalleyunitedway.org/funding, or contact Debbie Roth.