Having an income that can support you and a family through retirement is key to maintaining a good quality of life. Financial stability is something that is often taken for granted.
United Way is helping families in the Cedar Valley become financially stable and independent by
- Increasing income by helping hardworking people obtain job training and family-sustaining wages
- Encouraging savings as a financial safety net
In the Cedar Valley, 1 in 5 children in our community live in poverty ($26,200 for a family of 4). Families earning the median household income of $50,916 spend 15% of their income on child care if they have a baby at a licensed child care facility. Nearly half of the students in our community receive free or reduced lunches. 50.2% of rental households in the Cedar Valley spend 30% or more of their household income on housing and utilities.
We are working to make families financially independent. Cedar Valley United Way is providing the following funding grants in the income area:
Achieving Financial Stability:
Americans for Independent Living
Housing and Transitional Resources for Veterans | $15,000
Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Dubuque
Immigration Legal Services | $20,000
Cedar Valley Friends of the Family
Black Hawk County Housing Project | $18,000
Commonbond Communities
Adult Education and Advancement* | $5,000
Community Housing Initiatives
Permanent Housing | $20,000
Growing Minds Early Learning Academy (Formerly Grin and Grow)
Removing Childcare as a Barrier to Work for Low-Income Families | $22,900
Habitat for Humanity
Homebuyer Education and Financial Counseling | $12,000
Iowa Legal Aid
Solutions to Systemic Poverty through Legal Assistance | $20,000
The Job Foundation
Financial Stewardship Mentoring Program | $8,650
Operation Threshold
Refugee Services | $8,000
Pathways Behavioral Services
Junkman-Knoebel Transitional Housing | $13,850
The Salvation Army
Pathway of Hope | $8,000
Try Pie
Try Pie Bakery* | $8,000
YWCA of Black Hawk County
Summer Daze Child Care | $8,000
Y's Kids Before and After School Care | $12,000
Workforce Development:
Commonbond Communities
Adult Education and Advancement* | $5,000
Hawkeye Community College Foundation
WE Build Waterloo | $20,000
One City United
One City Momentum | $18,000
Try Pie
Try Pie Bakery* | $8,000
* Denotes program covers more than one funding category. Amount listed is total grant dollars received for all categories.